Vici's world

Writer Director Producer

11 Hours Screenplay Finalist
Urbanworld Film Festival 2022

Vici's World

I began nurturing my love for writing in my grandparents front bedroom apartment on the South Side of Chicago. I’d get lost in the stories in my head for hours, I called it “Vici’s world”. One of my favorite gifts was a vintage typewriter given to me by my Uncle Bubba when I was 13 years old, a major gamechanger! I naively thought being a published author was as easy as writing, mailing my manuscripts to local publishing companies, and bam! I’m a published author! Yep, I honestly thought it was that easy. All of my manuscripts were returned but some included handwritten notes of encouragement and well wishes for a tenacious 13 year old aspiring writer.

Two movies changed my life, John Hughes The Breakfast Club and Spike Lee’s Do The Right Thing. After watching The Breakfast Club, I knew I wanted to be a filmmaker. After watching Do The Right Thing, I knew I could be a filmmaker. Thank you John and Spike. I attended Columbia College Chicago where I earned my film degree and off into the world of…marriage and babies, I went. I pushed pause on my dreams and aspirations of being a filmmaker but after 32 years it’s time to push play. I’m ready to bring the stories in my head onto screen. Today, I still live in “Vici’s world”, it’s beautiful in there!

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